Stonehenge An Ancient Piece of Art
Stonehenge An Ancient Piece of Art garethwiscombe - Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire , England, two miles (3 km) west of Amesbury . It consists of a ring of standing stones , with each standing stone around 13 feet (4.0 m) high, seven feet (2.1 m) wide and weighing around 25 tons. The stones are set within earthworks in the middle of the most dense complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England, including several hundred burial mounds . It's also probably one of the oldest pieces of art in the world made by people from the Neolithic Age with unknown methods. It is not known clearly why and how it was made but strong structure still stands against the tests of time for a millennia or more. Even today what kind of people made it...